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“It had always seemed to Emily, ever since she could remember, that she was very, very near to a world of wonderful beauty. Between it and herself hung only a thin curtain; she could never draw the curtain aside―but sometimes, just for a moment, a wind fluttered it and then it was as if she caught a glimpse of the enchanting realm beyond ― only a glimpse ―and heard a note of unearthly music.”
 L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon

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“Lilly says I have an overactive imagination and a pathological need to invent drama in my life.”

― Meg Cabot, The Princess Diaries

"In daylight I belong to the world . . . in the night to sleep and eternity. But in the dusk I'm free from both and belong only to myself...and you”

L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Windy Willows




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